Time and tide wait for none - The last 72 hours bear testimony to it. A roller coaster ride of emotions has over taken the otherwise sane world that one assumes in daily life. On Sunday the 3rd of April, 2016 the hand that had cradled us, led us onto the path of Satguru Ji - our dear Grand Father Kirpal Singh Ji passed away after a sudden bout of illness.
Though 90+ (the age - a guess he was happy with) he was always full of zest and life. A compulsive daily diary writer for the past couple of decades and a person who loved to narrate real stories full of his life time experiences, whenever one visited him. Son of the first Namdhari settler in Hyderabad - Sant Teja Singh originally from Gujranwala, British India, on one hand he would often reminisce about the Nizam State - Hyderabad and on the other hand how the family settled and expanded into the current Namdhari Sangat of Hyderabad under the benevolence of Satguru Partap Singh Ji, Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji and now continues to flourish under Satguru Uday Singh Ji. Five generations of Namdharis have since settled in Hyderabad but we never got bored of their stories whenever Pita Ji (lovingly called by all of us) narrated them. The stories we hope to continue narrating to our children carrying forth his legacy.

It was only a week before during the Holla Mohalla in March that we had had a beautiful audience with her in Sri Bhaini Sahib (the spiritual head quarters of the Namdharis near Ludhiana). It was late afternoon and as we came out of the Langar Hall (Community dining hall), there she was, the face ever smiling, blessing the seekers and looking after the Langar arrangements as she always did. As we passed her for a strange reason unlike ever before an impulse drew me to her. And as I bent down in reverence, she placed her hands on my shoulders and asked me how was the little one. A healer always, she has healed many with her austere energy. A brief conversation later, I walked away feeling blessed. It is only now that I realise the importance of that moment. A moment that is now etched in the memory forever.
A silence has enveloped the mind ever since. While religion, politics, tolerance or rather intolerance are big words to speak and describe the environment, it is only words like love, compassion, empathy and service that brings us all together in this moment of grief. It is love that will help us keep the bonding together, compassion that will help us over come the grief, empathy that will make us and Satguru Ji stronger and service above self - the main stay of Mata Ji's life - it is that service that will keep her alive and living within the community as well as ourselves. Lets resolve to strengthen the bond that has always existed and keep the name and prestige of our Satguru Jis always high. With a prayer on the lips and a heart that continues to search for the love, compassion, empathy and service that Mata Ji spread. - Dhan Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji, Dhan Satguru Uday Singh Ji