Tribute to Mata Narinder Kaur, Our Beloved Ami Ji

Today, I want to honor and celebrate the life of a remarkable woman, my beloved grandmother, Narinder Kaur, whom we lovingly called Ami Ji. Born as Shanti in 1930 in Gujranwala, undivided British India, she was a beacon of faith, strength, and love throughout her life.

Ami Ji came from a spiritually rich lineage, being the daughter of Karam Singh, grandson of the renowned Namdhari saint Baba Ruldu Singh of Subhash Pur, West Punjab, British India. Her marriage to my grandfather, Kirpal Singh, the son of the esteemed Namdhari Seth Teja Singh of Hyderabad (also from Gujranwala in West Punjab, British India), further rooted her in a life of devotion and service.

From an early age, Ami Ji's life was deeply intertwined with spirituality. Her daily routine was a testament to her unwavering faith. Rising in the early hours, she would spend at least four hours in prayer and meditation, followed by reading the scriptures. Her steadfast devotion was an inspiration to all of us, demonstrating the power of faith and discipline.

As a matriarch, Ami Ji was the strong pillar of our family. She raised her son and four daughters with a firm yet loving hand, instilling in them the values of righteousness and integrity. My grandfather found in her a steady anchor, a partner who supported him throughout his life.

As children, we were often in awe of her. Her disciplinarian ways ensured that we grew up with a sense of responsibility and respect. I still remember the fear mixed with respect when we played cricket and accidentally broke light fixtures and flower pots. Yet, despite her strictness, there was a deep well of love and care beneath.

Her culinary skills were legendary within the family. While my father and his sisters enjoyed her cooking regularly, we grandchildren were treated to her delicious dishes during festivals and special family gatherings. The image of her knitting sweaters, deep-frying mathris, and the rare, delightful occasions when I tasted her aloo parathas will always remain etched in my memory. Diwali was particularly special, with her weaving marigold garlands and ensuring the house was beautifully decorated.

In my adolescent years, her disciplinarian side was more prominent. But as I grew older and moved to Mumbai for work, I began to see her softer, more emotional side. Every visit home was a joyous occasion for her and my grandfather. She prayed for our success and took immense pride in our achievements. Her pride was palpable when I made my first documentary on Satguru Jagjit Singh ji. Her tears of joy and words of pride are moments I will forever cherish.

Even as her health declined, her spirit remained unbroken. She was more concerned about not being able to meditate and read scriptures than her physical ailments. Her dedication to sewa was evident when, at 76 years old, she tirelessly served the sangat during Satguru Jagjit Singh ji's visit to our home in 2006. She spent the entire day cleaning and washing dishes, cutting vegetables for the langar, and not slowing down for even a moment. Her commitment to service was a powerful lesson in humility and gratitude, one she taught us to embody in our own lives.

In 2013, when Satguru Uday Singh Ji visited Hyderabad for the first time after becoming Satguru Ji following the passing of Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji, Ami Ji was one of the first to feel and recognize Him as the same jyot of Satguru Ji. This recognition was due to a recurring incident that had previously happened with Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji, affirming her deep spiritual connection and unwavering faith.

Her concern and love extended especially to my son, who has learning disabilities. She always encouraged us never to give up and to have faith in Satguru ji. Her prayers and blessings were a source of strength and comfort for us.

In her final years, as she became bedridden, she often expressed her gratitude for the care my parents provided her. Her humility and practice of gratitude are perhaps the most important qualities she passed on to us.

Ami Ji left us on the 7th of this month (07/05/2024).💔 While we are not supposed to cry, tears of love and loss well up as I write this. I miss her dearly, and my heart aches each time my son asks about her. But I find solace in the belief that she is now with Satguru ji, for that is what she always yearned for.

Ami Ji, your legacy of faith, love, and discipline lives on in each of us. We miss you, and we pray that you are in eternal peace and joy with Satguru ji.

Rest in peace, Ami Ji. You will always be in our hearts. 🙏